
Our approach to safety goes beyond mere rules; it's a culture of caring. We prioritize the well-being of our team, viewing them as an extension of our family. Through regular social events, we foster camaraderie and deepen our connections, ensuring that each member feels valued and supported. This ethos of caring is the foundation of our outstanding safety record. Beginning each day with our unique "Huddletime," we collectively prepare for the day's challenges, both mentally and physically. This commitment to each other's safety stems from personal experience, with our founder, Mike Powers, having faced a career-ending injury. At our core, we believe that by looking out for one another, we ensure everyone returns home safely to their loved ones.

Experience Modifier Rate (EMR):

2024: 0.63

2023: 0.59

2022: 0.69

Award Winning Safety

    • Site Specific Safety Plan

    • Certified Injury Free Enviornment (IFE)

    • Occupational Safety & Health (OSHA)

    • Safety Sense Employee Incentive Program

    • Alliance Academy with in house safety trainings including: Fall Protection, GHS, Silica Exposure, Lead, and more!

    • Bi-annual Foreman Meetings

    • FirstAid/CPR & AED

    • Anti Harrassment Training