Application Form Join our Team ~ Join our Team ~ Join our Team ~ PERSONAL INFORMATION Name * First Name Last Name Phone * (###) ### #### Email * Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Are you a Military Veteran? * This question is for demographic purposes only. Yes No I prefer not to disclose What position are you applying for? * Please select one of the following options. Carpenter Framer Finisher Other Do you have any Foreman or Lead Experience? * Yes No Field positions are located at our job sites across Western Washington and require employees to arrive at our worksite on time. Is there anything preventing you from meeting this job requirement? * Yes No Field positions include drywall, taping, and painting which are highly physical work. Is there anything preventing you from meeting this job requirement? * Yes No EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION * First Name Last Name Contact number * (###) ### #### UNION INFORMATION: Please note that we are a closed union shop; all field employees must join a designated union within 7 days of employment Please provide your UBI or Finisher Number * Classification * Foreman Journeyman Apprentice Utility None Are you current on your union dues? * Yes No CERTIFICATIONS: Please indicate which certifications you have. Scaffold User Card * Yes No First Aid/CPR Card * Yes No Forklift: Rough/Terrain/Industrial Card * Yes No Welding Certificate: WABO/AWS * Yes No Traffic Flagger * Yes No If you have any of the following additional certifications please select all that apply. * Fall Protection Stilts Awareness Drug Free Card Osha 10 Osha 30 MEWP/Aerial Lift HILTI Card Lead/Asbestos Awareness Haz-Cert C-Stop Silica Awareness Confined Space Rigger Signal Person Other(s) not listed EMPLOYMENT / WORK HISTORY List all employers for the past three (3) years beginning with the most recent. Are you currently Employed? * Yes No Have you worked for a second employer within the last 3 years? * Yes No Have you worked for a third employer within the last 3 years? * Yes No I hereby certify that all statements made in this application and accompanying materials are true and I agree and understand that any misstatement or omission of material fact will cause forfeiture on my part of all my rights of employment with Alliance Partition Systems. I hereby authorize Alliance Partition Systems to solicit information from my past employers as well as through a background check. I release parties from any claims of liability arising from such inquiry or investigation or the supplying of information for such an investigation. Finally, I acknowledge that my potential employment is at-will, which means that either the employee r the company is free to terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without reason, advance notice, or warning. * I have read and been informed about the content, requirements, and expectations of APS company policies. Signature * Print your full name Today's Date * MM DD YYYY Thank you!